OAuthAS Class
Class with the OAuth Authorization Server logic.
Class Constants
- SAML2: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion
- PAPI: urn:mace:rediris.es:papi
Class Variables
- String error: Error code-name
- Boolean debug_active: If TRUE, the debug is active, inactive otherwise.
- ClientList clients: ClientList object
- String assertion: The assertion of the request.
- String assertion_type: Type of the assertion of the request.
- ServerKeys servers: ServerKeys object
- String access_token: The access token generated.
- ErrorList errors: ErrorList object
- String scope: Scope of the Request.
- String client_id: Client Identification
- IAssertionChecking assertion_checking: IAssertionChecking element.
- Integer lifetime: the default lifetime of the access tokens.
PUBLIC oauthAS __construct([$dir=""])
oauthAS class Constructor
Return an OAuthAS Object
PRIVATE error($string): void
Function that shows the errors in the error_log if $debug_active is TRUE.
- String string: String showed in the error_log.
PUBLIC getError(): string
Returns the error description.
PRIVATE generateAccessToken(): void
Function that generates an access token from the parameters of the request.
PRIVATE setLogMsg(): void
Function that generates the log file (oauth_access.log)that register the requests that are made to the OAuth AS.
PRIVATE isValidAssertion(): boolean
Function that ckecks the assertion depending of the assertion type (SAML2, PAPI).
TRUE if is a valid one, FALSE otherwise.
PRIVATE isValidClient(): boolean
Function that ckecks if the OAuth Client making the request is registered.
TRUE if is a valid one, FALSE otherwise.
PRIVATE isValidFormatRequest(): boolean
Function that ckecks if the format request of the OAuth Client is valid.
TRUE if is a valid one, FALSE otherwise.
PRIVATE isValidScope(): boolean
Function that ckecks if the Scope of the request is authorized for the user.
TRUE if is a valid one, FALSE otherwise.
PRIVATE manageASErrorResponse(): string
Responds an error If the token request is invalid or unauthorized by adding the following parameter to the entity body of the HTTP response using the "application/json" media type with the following format:
- error REQUIRED. A single error code
- error_description OPTIONAL. A human-readable text providing additional information, used to assist in the understanding and resolution of the error occurred.
- error_uri OPTIONAL. A URI identifying a human-readable web page with information about the error, used to provide the end-user with additional information about the error.
PRIVATE manageASResponse(): string
Function that returns the resource, making use of the Resource Class deployed in the server.
PUBLIC manageRequest(): string
Function that manages the request of the app client and return an appropiate response.