ClientConfiguration Class
Class that permits to load the Clients configuration.
Class Variables
- Array clients: List of clients.
PUBLIC ClientList __construct([$dir = ""])
ClientList class Constructor
- String dir: The directory where the configuration files are located
PUBLIC isClient($client_id): void
Function that returns TRUE if exist the client identification send in the parameter.
- String client_id: Client App ID.
PUBLIC getAllowedScopes($client_id): void
Function that returns the Scopes allowed for a Client send in the parameter.
- String client_id: Client App ID.
PUBLIC getSecret($client_id): void
Function that returns the Secret of the client send in the parameter.
- String client_id: Client App ID.
PRIVATE loadClients($file): string
Auxiliar function that loads the clients from the file.
- String file: file where the clients are defined