OAuth AS
The OAuth Authorization Server's goals are the following:
- Given an assertion, to check if it's a valid one and to generate a token for an specific scope.
OAuth Authorization Server's Architecture:
- config directory: Templates of the Authorization Server configuration files.
- clientKeys.template.xml File with the reference of the registered client. More information about the XML format.
- serverKeys.template.xml File with the reference of the registered servers. More information about the XML format.
- errors.template.xml: File with the reference of the errors supported by the OAuth2 protocol for the OAuth Authorization Server.
- policies.template.xml File with the reference oth the Authorization policies. More information about the XML format.
- src directory:
- oauthAS class Class that has the logic of the Authorization Server. It generates the token and manage the Client's requests.
- ServerKeys class Class that permit to load the server list scopes and keys from serverKeys.xml.
- ClientConfiguration class Class that permit to load the configuration of the Clients from clientKeys.xml.
- ErrorList class Class that permit to load the errors list from errors.xml.
- assertions directory:
- AssertionPolicy class Class that manages the policy.xml file, wich one has got the authorization policy for each type of assertion
- IAssertionChecking interface Interface that defines the methods for an Assertion Checking class.
- saml2AssertionChecking Class that checks if an assertion in saml2 format fulfill the defined policies.
- sirAssertionChecking Class that checks if an assertion in PAPI format fulfill the defined policies.
- tokenEndpoint.php Authorization Server Endpoint