Event Agenda

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

12:00| Opening speeches
12:15| Past, Present and Future of RedIRIS
  • José Barberá, Adviser of Secretary of State of the Department for Telecommunications and the Information Society (MITYC)
  • Víctor Castelo, Director of Communications and Security of CSIC and Adviser of MICINN
  • Tomás de Miguel, Director of RedIRIS
12:30| Researchers and Research Centres
13:15| Representatives of Academic Networks
13:30| Closing speeches
  • Carmen Pelaez Martínez, Vice-president of Organization and Institutional Relationships of CSIC
  • Francisco Ros, Secretary of State of the Department for Telecommunications and the Information Society (Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información, SETSI - MITyC) and Chairman of Red.es
  • Cristina Garmendia Mendizábal, Minister of Science and Innovation