RedIRIS 20th Anniversary Event

Wednesday, 1 October 2008, at 11:15 CSIC (Advanced Scientific Research Centre) Auditorium

This year is the 20th anniversary of RedIRIS, the Spanish advanced communications network for academic and R+D centres.

RedIRIS is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MICINN) and is included on its map of Singular Scientific Technological Facilities (Instalaciones Científico Tecnológicas Singulares, ICTS). It is managed by the public business entity,

RedIRIS came into being in 1988 as a project for the interconnection of the National Plan's computer resources and it was pioneer in Spain in the introduction of internet and different online services, playing an essential role in the evolution of the Information and Knowledge Society in Spain.

Twenty years after its creation, RedIRIS continues to be at the cutting edge in new online services, co-operating with other academic and research networks at a global level. Thanks to RedIRIS, Spain's academic and scientific community has at its disposal a high speed core network, made up of a global research intranet, with special characteristics in terms of transmission capacity and innovative services.

On 1 October a commemorative anniversary event will be held at 11:15 in the auditorium of the Advanced Scientific Research Centre in calle Serrano 117, Madrid. The event will be presided over by Cristina Garmendia, Minister of Science and Innovation, with the participation of other institutions, such as the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, MITyC), to which answers, and the Advanced Scientific Research Centre, one of the main institutions belonging to RedIRIS.