Desde Digicert nos informan de un corte en el servicio el próximo día 22 de diciembre.

A continuaicón mostramos el texto que nos han enviado:

Please be advised that DigiCert will conduct a 2-hour extended system maintenance on Thursday evening, December 22, 2016, between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PM MST (0300 - 0500 GMT). Anyone attempting to log in or access authenticated information during this time will receive a system unavailable notification. This extended maintenance will also impact DigiCert APIs.

DigiCert OCSP, CRL, and TimeStamping services, and static website content will remain available. This maintenance will NOT impact SSL certificates installed on customer web sites. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we perform these important updates to our network infrastructure. If you have any questions about this update, please contact