Forum on trace fossils

Information about


Skolithos is a forum of discussion and information interchange among international specialists on the field of ichnology, open also to researchers on related areas of Geology, Paleontology and Biology interested in trace fossils. Ichnology is an Earth Science discipline devoted to the study of the fossil record of behavior and narrowly linked to paleontology and sedimentary geology. The specialists on this field gather a growing community of graduate students, academic researchers and oil industry professionals. The increasing interest on ichnology is reflected by the successful celebration of several periodical meetings (Ichnofabric Workshop, Bioerosion Workshop, Ichnotaxonomy Workshop, etc.), by the increasing frequency of ichnology sessions in national and international geology and paleontology meetings, and by the reedition of the Ichnology Newsletter . This list pretends to offer an easy, direct and agile way of communication among us complementary to all the initiatives listed above.


  • Discussion and debate about any topic concerning the study of trace fossils, including (among others): bioturbation and bioerosion (Recent and fossil), ichnofacies and ichnofabrics analyses, ichnotaxonomy, evolution of behavior, applications of trace fossils, etc.

  • Requests of information about particular aspects of ichnology.

  • Announcement of news and information related to ichnology, such as workshops, meetings, congresses, courses, publications, web resources, exhibitions, etc.

  • Aspects related to the teaching of ichnology: ideas, material, information, etc.

  • Any other thing related to trace fossils.

The language of the list is English. The main purpose of the list is to interchange information and so, subscribers which are not English-speakers are encouraged to participate and not to worry about writing "grammatically perfect" English.

The page maintained by Tony Martin of the Emory University ( is the most complete ichnology website including an introduction to the main aspects of ichnology, trace fossil images and links to other ichnology websites. PUBLICATIONS ON ICHNOLOGY

Ichnology Newsletter is an annual publication that include news, reviews of congresses, meetings, books, etc., a list of the addresses and current work of a great number of ichnologists and the references on trace fossils published during the year, among other things. The Newsletter is published on line in Tony Martin«s website (see above).

To Join SKOLITHOS list:

Write to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.REDIRIS.ES and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write:


To leave SKOLITHOS list:

Write to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.REDIRIS.ES and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write:


Archives of SKOLITHOS list.